Saturday, November 14, 2015

Book #2 The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby.

I listened to a full cast reading of this novel that was just fantastic.  It was very involving, dramatic, and sort of a time machine for me throwing me back into the 1920's.  For me, this novel/short story was very representative of how I picture the stereotypical 1920's.

I loved how this book only contained a handful of characters, but each one of them was a separate distinct personality and created interesting interactions with the others.  Also I was fascinated that each of the people involved had a secret second life.  Maybe even the story had two secret lives.  One that a warning against fast and loose living, one that reveled in it.  One tragic event, that I will not disclose, brings all the standard lives and secrets lives together, lets the pieces fall where they may.

This was a very quick read, easy to follow, probably one that could easily be re-read and possibly better appreciated the second go around.  I would highly recommend it and can tell why so many have this book in their top 50 and why it is considered a classic.

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