Friday, September 6, 2013

An Experiment in Literature

Let's just start by saying I have never been a blogger or a reader.  This will be my experiment and an attempt to do both.

I have recently put together a list of 50 Books that I would like to read.  My list was taken from two or three sources of "50 books to read before you die" or "Top 50 Books of all time" and the edited together.  When editing the list I threw out books that I have read and remember.  This of course includes all of the Harry Potter Series.  These reads should all be like new reads to me.  I know the list includes many adaptations into film, but everyone knows "the book was way better."

The Goal:  Read 50 books, Write 50 Blogs.

The Rules:  I will post one blog after completing each book.

The Why:  As I mentioned, I have never been a reader.  I faked my way through literature classes in high school and pieced together what I needed to for my college literature credit.  I always wanted to read the assignment, but didn't for one reason or another.  I want to give myself the chance to set a personal goal and do it for real, this is for me.  I'm tired of faking it, so here goes.

In no particular order, here is the List:

1No Country for Old Men
2The Great Gatsby
4Brave New World
5Jane Eyre
6The Grapes of Wrath
7Pride & Prejudice
8Life of Pi
9The Bell Jar
10A Bend in the River
11A Passage to India
12Lord of the Flies
14The Diary of a Young Girl
15The Catcher in the Rye
16The Divine Comedy
17Anna Karenia
18Moby Dick
19To Kill a Mockingbird
20The Count of Monte Cristo
21The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
22Gulliver's Travels
23Memoirs of a Geisha
25The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
26One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
27A Christmas Carol
28The Lord of the Rings
29War and Peace
30The Prince
31The Brothers Karamazov
32One Thousand and One Arabian Nights
33Ender's Game
34Great Expectations
35Little Women
36The Richest Man in Babylon
37A Tale of Two Cities
38Animal Farm
39Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
41The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
43The Godfather
44The Princess Bride
45The Once & Future King
46A Wrinkle in Time
47Start: Punch Fear in the Face
48The Call of the Wild
49Invisible Man
50Different Seasons